Tuesday 23 October 2012

Thing 2

Having completed the exercies for Thing 2 here are my thoughts on how I could use these in practice:-

Our organisation uses MOSS and this has the ability to save RSS onto your personal home page. I use this to keep up to date with news. A disadvantage I have found is that if you set up too many RSS feeds there are too many updates to keep a track of so it is better to be selective.

I have found RSS to be useful in keeping up to date with news from Professional Organisations so I would encourage staff to set up a RSS feed from their own professional organisation.

One area I would like to use these for is to produce a brief daily current awareness bulletin of health news.


Like many participants our organisation blocks Twitter. However, as I have never sent a Tweet I decided to set up account and try it out.

I can see this being useful for sharing ideas, asking and answering questions. I think it could also be useful for students on courses to discuss things.

I can therefore see my role as making staff aware of how to use Twitter for networking.


As many of our staff are remote users then Journal alerts are a good way for them to see the latest articles in a specific journal or topic.
I am looking to use journal alerts to help produce a themed current awareness bulletin. Again I see my role as encouraging staff to set up their own alerts

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vanessa,
    I share your views on RSS feeds and journal alerts and how they can make producing a current awareness bulletin much easier. We produce a nursing CA every month and it is time-consuming. I can see how much better it would be to use the feeds and the journal alerts, which in turn should free up some time to expand in to other areas.
    Google Reader has been a revelation to me and it makes it so much easier to keep up to date.
    I'm glad you are enjoying the course.
